Upside of the lockdown!


Firstly, thank you to amazing people who wished me well on my last post and I do feel so much better today. We still have a bit of bodyache and maybe I will share my experience in detail if I feel it might help someone. For today, I want to look at the positive side of this horrible virus because that’s how we feel better. Isn’t the first step to feeling better wanting to feel better? 🙂

So, I was just thinking about what is going on in my life generally and where do I stand (I am not someone who does this very often) and I just thought about how much has changed since March 2020! Life was a whole lot different and honestly I do want that life back, mainly for how carefree we were. I guess this is something everyone of us has gone through at some point since 2020. So let me talk about the positives, what changed for better?

1) I got to see so many sunsets!

If you know me, you would know my love for sunset and sunrise. Before lockdown, I was always working during the time of sunset and on weekends I was either out or sleeping. Thanks to lockdown, I saw so many sunsets and the sky changed to every beautiful color I can imagine 🙂 will always be grateful for this one.

2) I tried to cook!

My mom never really forced me to do anything all my life. She is my big supporter who wants me to do what makes me happy and cooking never makes me happy. Eating food makes me happy and I hardly eat if I cook. However, during lockdown we realized how everyone needs to know basic cooking to be self sufficient. I do enjoy occasional cooking and learnt so much of it in lockdown. Yep, I also tried that trending banana bread.

3) Danced alone to my heart’s content!

I love dancing. I am no pro, just your regular club dance crowd that goes wild on bollywood. Lockdown took away the luxury to dance in club so I decided to turn my room into a club! With just the night light on to give the led effect, I used to dance alone (almost) every Friday night to commemorate the start of weekend and it made me feel so relaxed and happy.

4) Learnt that I was capable of being in a long distance relationship!

This one might seem funny. My boyfriend and I are both from Bombay but we met every weekend and sometimes on weekdays too. For me to know a person just texts are NOT enough and I am not a call person, at all. I cannot be with someone whom I cannot spend my time with, it just would not make sense. Yet, when put to test we did manage it and that still shocks me!

5) I (tried) to organize my room!

I am a lazy person when it comes to organizing but I was so bored that I ended up doing that too! Well, I tried. My mom and grandma were so happy, that really made this worth it. I do want to inculcate this habit of organizing into my daily life. I am pretty good at it, only I don’t do it much!

6) Learnt it is OKAY to not do anything!

With so many people wanting to be productive, trying to achieve all sorts of lockdown goals I was just concentrating on what makes me happy. It took me a long time to be okay with not being productive 100% of time. Doing nothing is fun if it makes you happy and it is absolutely okay. Anyone who judges you for it is a terrible person.

7) Started this blog!

While writing has always been my happy place, my go to, I had stopped blogging. Lockdown got me back to it and also made me start the 100 day writing challenge!!! It has made me happy and keeps me on my toes. I always have something to look forward to. Writing is now a part of my routine and I really enjoy it.

Hah! So not a bad lockdown eh?! I can understand if productivity is different to different people but for me the lockdown has been good. Ofcourse I had down days, mental breakdowns, crying for no reason. I struggled. What’s important is that I got back up and took the new day as a new start. Someday, I will talk about the struggles I faced too. For today, let’s be happy with the good side of it.

What was your positive from this lockdown?

50 thoughts on “Upside of the lockdown!

  1. I can’t dance. I wouldn’t even dare dance alone 😂🤦‍♂️

    You started your blog and you’re pretty successful! My job is done. *unfollow* 😂🤣

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Mmm banana bread, I love banana bread. My biggest up is i spent the 1st proper lockdown (i was out of work on furlough for 3 months from march) with my girl, we lived together like 24/7 through 3 months. It made me realise that I’m very much in love and we are moving in together properly soon. We live 60 miles away from each other at the moment but im moving down to her.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hey!!! You and I are totally same…all the points dude!!… I too learned to watch the sky, to see the sunsets, to cook, to tackle a tough long distance relationship and every other point!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The biggest positive for me has been i learned to let go of my anger..with everyone being at home arguments happened quite often..but i surprised myself when i noticed that i wasnt holding on to the anger for as long as i normally would and while i still argued but i also spent a lot of quality time with my family that i would have otherwise spent fuming.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Some wonderful points there….some of which I have done as well. I can add one more: my husband and I have managed to stay locked in our homes for the past one year without killing each other (I tell you, the struggle is real) 😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Absolute beauty this post is!!!! Loved each and every point although I’m biased towards the last one. I’m so glad you started this blog and we are blessed with your daily posts. That’s a big win in this lockdown for me. I’ve never truly appreciated the sunrises and sunsets. I guess I need to pay attention to that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhhhhhh I am so happy you loved this. Yes, ofcourse YOU INSPIRED ME TO DO THE LAST POINT! I hope I see it through ❤ omg sky is lovely! Give it all your time!!


  7. The positive i received was it made me slow down and sit with my thoughts. I never realized how busy i was and never took the time out for myself.
    I will say that is awesome for you to explore those different sides of yourself. Lol

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I’m glad even in these difficult times, you managed to find a lot of positives. I’m glad that you have returned to blogging. Congratulations on making it to the halfway mark of the 100 day blogging challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think that’s the best approach I could find, to see happy things and make my own happiness. Thank you so much, hope I stay consistent and am able to spread happiness and learn from amazing people here 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Definitely. It is the best approach, hands down. Consistency is key. It’s also the point which I fail to meet from time to time. I hope you’ll be about to stay motivated, inspired and consistent.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. There were definitely numerous things we could gain from the lockdowns, if we put our minds to it. Everyone has been looking forward to “getting back to normal.” But learning new things, rethinking priorities, writing, organizing, I think depending on what we’ve done with the time, many of us will come out of this much better people than before. (I always say, “Normal” is overrated.)
    PS I love to dance, too. When I was closer to your age, I danced with my psychedelic light that flashed different colors all over the room. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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