Why do you write?


I have read a couple of posts here in past week where people are talking about what motivates them to write and what’s their idea behind it. Reading those got me thinking, why do I write? To my surprise, there is no easy answer other than one obvious one. I enjoy it. I enjoy putting down words, I don’t necessarily think I am a good writer but on rare occasions I do get words on my notepad or phone pad and they seem to make a beautiful sync, it makes me happy. So happy. Words are beautiful and they have magic and power. They can take you places, they can make you feel, they are powerful to bring a change and to be able to sometimes succeed in doing that in even a small way, what a win! What a feeling! It more or else feels like writing has become a part of my existence! When I am sad, it is therapeutic. When I am happy, it is the best form of celebration. When I am angry, it is an outlet I am most thankful for. When I feel nothing, numb, I read something and if nothing atleast the peace envelopes my head. Even when you are journaling, it has been identified to have so many benefits. So it’s not just about people, writing is how you communicate with yourself. When you start writing for yourself, you can come across thoughts you did not know were buried inside you. It’s like a healing process for yourself and also a form of self love. That’s not it, I have used my writing to voice my opinions on matters so many don’t talk about. Politics, bullying, abuse, sexual offenders, feminism. It does not sit well with everyone but writing gives you to medium to broadcast your opinions. You never know who will read what you write and it might end up helping that one person who could relate. It’s the best thing ever, when something you write inspires someone or they relate to it or it is something they learn from. I have been on the other end of being inspired, relating and learning so many times. I believe in writing and it’s transforming ability with all my might.

I am sure you all would have your own reasons and beliefs which make you write and share, do tell me about them?

53 thoughts on “Why do you write?

  1. I love this post and knowing more about your writing!!! Keep shining and keep spreading your beautiful voice, you’re a gift in this community!! I write to express, inspire and to fulfill my purpose. Writing fuels me with adrenaline 🖤🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I write becasue…. words are one of the most basic forms of communication, but also ever evolving, ever growing, and they are beautiful. Every song with a message that speaks to you, speaks to you through the words. Every book, every person… everything in the world is made of words and beauty. Some things do not have words on their own, so we create words to define their unknowable constructs, which makes them beautiful. Words are pure. Words can express what one cannot in any other way. When you speak you can falter, you can confuse, you can… hesitate. When you write, you wipe the tears as you go, but your hand never stills until it is done. You correct here and there, but you were able to say the deepest and most true, even just to a journal or you. Your brain uses words when you speak and thus is limited. When writing, it is your heart that speaks.

    🤭🤔My brain is now back in control and that is waxing very poetic, but it is actually the reason why I write, so… yeah.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. You already know why I started writing (😂😂that weird reason) but yeah writing is a great way to express and it may inspire someone sitting in some part of the word…I love the way you write and you are an amazing writer!!
    Lots of love for you😊😊❤❤

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  4. I started to write(type) more because I don’t talk as much or I don’t seem to articulate my expressions as much as i should. I have a bad habit of bottling things in that piles on top of each either to the point i lose the basic reason for my frustration (domino effect). I figured if i can practice this more i might be helping someone else out also. I can still tell i hold back a lot in my blogs, but my journal is where i really let out the raw thoughts and emotions. I have to admit it surprises me at how i view myself which makes me wonder how others might view me.

    I enjoy your post based on your day to day, even with the dark clouds sometimes. I think that’s what makes you and your experiences unique and interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have read your posts and can totally see where you are basing this from. I agree, journaling helps a lot. It gives us privacy and an outlet at the same time. I am sure, with more time, you will be able to express more confidently and maybe even share the same with people around you so they know how you feel. Writing emotions down does bring out a lot of pent up things, I have been in complete surprise myself that way.

      Thank you so much for the kind words 🙂

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  5. I feel one does something because they can and it brings a feeling of accomplishment into their life. One should do for themselves and if others enjoy it, then it is frosting. Writing helps others share life events that they may not be able to do. Much like going to a lecture and listening to somebody tell a story or looking at a painting or a photograph of places they have never been. You right to share something with others that they may not have the opportunity to live through. You’re writing it’s a form of connection with others. I photograph things because I see something that I would want to remember later later on. It’s beauty, it’s horror, it’s the mundane. It’s part of life and instead of me writing it down I would hope that my photographs convey my feelings much like you’re writing conveys your feelings to others.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Straight from your heart! Loved this so much! Yes indeed, first and foremost writing is a medium to express 🙂 I love the analogies drawn here! Lecture or painting, both convey a story or emotion. Photography is also a form of emoting and expressing, one hundred percent agree! Infact a lot of people write based on what they feel looking at the photograph so it really conveys a lot! I love your photos and your observational skills are brilliant 🙂

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  6. Lovely post, Pooja. I write for many of the same reasons, release, transformation, connection, healing, creation, and much more, as you write about. Writing is wonderful and beautiful. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Often, I write because I have to because the ideas, stories, emotions just have to come out – similar to having to breath. When that happens, I am sometimes surprised by what comes out, since I am just writing down what “demands” to be written. I am also happy then when I am done and feel that it is good. I used to write, also because I was an editor who had to sum up an issue of the journal, or co-author an article. I liked those too. The hardest one was a 24 page insert that had to be written within 24 hours that I had thought I had 10 days to do. It took 14 hours, came out well and surprised me as well. Helped give me confidence for the future writing I would do.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Having to breathe – 100% relate!!! ❤ I agree, sometimes we don’t choose to write, we have to and when it turns out beautiful, it really soars the heart. As someone said, writing is the words heart wishes to say!
      Oh wow, 24 pages in 14 hours. That is massive 👏👏👏 while writers are known to procrastinate, do you also perform better under pressure? 🙂


  8. I agree, writing can be therapeutic and healing. And a great way to express ones thoughts which are not easy to express otherwise.
    You are doing great really, I caught on with your writing rather late. Hopefully do keep writing beyond the current challenge, or take up another challenge maybe 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks a lot, Deb! I love your writing, it depicts patience, details and the complete picture which I am yet to learn I feel. So I will surely continue to write until I am even half as good as you are 🙂


  9. The best answer MAY come indirectly from a martial arts movie I saw a few years ago. I’ll skip an unrelated recap about the protagonist struggling to answer why he fights, and just paraphrase the answer. “To tell the stories inside me” is really just the journey not the destination. Often it’s just about seeing where that growth journey will take us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes indeed, that does fit perfectly!!! To tell the stories inside me ❤❤❤ It is a very beautiful journey, one that does not have to have a destination per say 🙂 thank you so much for sharing this amazing message ! 🙂

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  10. All the while as I was reading this post, I was nodding along. Writing makes me so happy and it is an outlet too. There have been periods when I have not written anything but that always comes to an end. I cannot go on without writing for so long. Words do hold much power and magic. A very thought-provoking post, Pooja.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Aww, Pooja. I am always so grateful to have your support. Your comments just make my day! Thank you so much for those high praises. I hope I’ll be able to continue to live up to those high standards! You are an inspiration too.


  11. I love this, keep doig what your doing.
    I love reading your stuff, some of your writings have inspired me, and they continue to do so.
    I write for the same reason, I love doing it, it gets things out of my head, it clears my mind, if what I write can inspire others or help others then I am also happy about that too.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Aww thank you, I do try. I’ve not done one today it’s been a tiring one and at 12.30am it can wait till after work which I’ll be starting in 5 and half hours haha so best get some sleep eh? Thank you for your kind words I’ll do what I can to keep my blogs the same way lol 💗


  12. Hey there!!! I’m just checking in to let you know I nominated you for The Sunshine Blogger Award. You absolutely deserve it! No worries if your site is award free, just wanted to share your beautiful work and how much I appreciate you!!!! Much love, my friend 🖤🤗 -Ace

    Liked by 1 person

    • I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! Thank you so so so much!!! 🙂 I honestly don’t have words to express, you’ve made me so so so unbelievably happy ❤❤❤❤ I appreciate you so much and I have been inspired by you! That is why this is even more unbelievable 😳!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Awwww you are so so sweet!!! You better believe it 😂! So happy to know this touched you, it’s truly an honor to nominate you! You deserve this and beyond!!! Keep shining and being beautifully YOU!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  13. I relate to many of your reasons why you write. Also, to me, it’s a comfort, and when my thoughts seem too much verbally there not lost in words flowing from my fingers. Such a freeing feeling, and you know how a hug feels from just the right person. That’s what writing feels like to me.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. You’re 100% right – writing is powerful and universal!
    Honestly, I don’t know why am I sharing my writings… The blog was started as sort of depression-tracker. I had to pur my things somewhere, paper was not safe, while still living with my ex… I was searching for blogs of people in similar state, seeking advice.
    Now I see that my journey might be inspiring for someone, but it wasn’t the initial intention 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s not a mandate to know what we do, i believe the world needs to do away with that approach where we are forced to think so much. I am very very glad you started writing, it has to be easy and you are so right, it can inspire so many!


  15. You have such a wonderful relationship with writing! 🙂 Sounds like a gorgeous state to be in- using writing to vent, celebrate or talk to yourself. As mankind moves forward, I fear journaling may die out and I hope with all my heart that it doesn’t. People like you give me hope that writers (I mean, people who write in paper) are still around. 🤍

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